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Welcome to the Pitman's New Era Shorthand Reading website. This site contains reading and practice material for those who have completed learning the system.






This is for the complete beginner, consisting of 60 graded Lessons pages, 58 Exercises pages, and downloads of Facility Drill PDFs and Dictations.




Free 3000 Common Word Learners Dictionary PDF, comprising over 11,300 outlines, available on the theory website:





Blog articles


The blog articles here date from April 2012 to August 2021. The blogs are minimally vocalised and contain slightly more vowel signs than a writer would insert. This is because you are reading shorthand that is unknown, unlike reading notes that you have written yourself. Essential vowels are indicated in the notes under each paragraph. There is one web page per month and an average of four blogs per month.


General articles


Some of these are more fully vocalised than the blog articles.


This section also contains the shorthand and text for the Youtube videos, a list of direct links to these are on the videos page.




These are short pieces of more scribbled shorthand, with no text key, in the manner of diary entries. In real life shorthand, there is never a key to help you read back, and the snippets are intended to provide a stress-free way of practising this skill.




All the articles are available as:

  • PDF for each web page, of the shorthand and text (no photos)

  • PDF of one of the blogs laid out as a facility drill booklet

  • Dictations of each blog in a ZIP file at approx 80-90 wpm, including the one used for the facility drill given additionally at 40 wpm

  • Certain articles repeated as High Speed dictations as a separate ZIP

All the 40wpm blog MP3s are also available as Year At Once zip downloads so that beginners have them all in one collection, but will still need to download the separate PDFs for the shorthand and text.


There are no downloads for the Snippets.



See Links page for Feedback, Guestbook and Guestmap options on the theory website, and details of free downloads from archive.org of New Era Dictionary and New Era Instructor & Key.




"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

All original text, images and downloads on the Lessons, Reading and Theory websites, as below, are copyright © Beryl L Pratt and are provided for personal non-commercial study use only, and may not be republished in any form, or reposted online, either in full or part or screenshots or edited. The sites below are the only download locations for the material permitted by the author and if you wish to share the content, please do so by a link to the appropriate page:




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