Long Live Pitman's Shorthand! Reading 

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In some of these, the shorthand is completely vocalised and if you use the paragraphs for writing practice, you should leave most of the vowels out.



Pitman On Phonography  

2 excerpts from Isaac Pitman's Manual of Phonography

Shorthand Speed  

15 excerpts of articles giving learning and speed advice from past high speed writers

Calendar Quotes 

All the quotes and text from the Shorthand Perpetual Calendar which is available from www.long-live-pitmans-shorthand.org.uk/downloads.htm#shorthand-perpetual-calendar



Shorthand, text and notes for videos on my Youtube General Playlist


The direct Youtube links are on Videos page

Gen Videos1


Gen Videos2





My garden




11 well-known passages

The Christmas Story  

Written in easy English with some background information

25 Christmas Carols

Traditional songs




Seaside town in East Sussex, UK

Greenwich Part 1


Greenwich Part 2


Greenwich Part 3


Greenwich Part 4


Greenwich Part 5


Greenwich Part 6

Historic Greenwich in London, including Greenwich Park, Royal Observatory, Museums, Cutty Sark clipper ship and River Thames

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"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

All original text, images and downloads on the Lessons, Reading and Theory websites, as below, are copyright © Beryl L Pratt and are provided for personal non-commercial study use only, and may not be republished in any form, or reposted online, either in full or part or screenshots or edited. The sites below are the only download locations for the material permitted by the author and if you wish to share the content, please do so by a link to the appropriate page:




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